EU states reach consensus on text concerning measures against Turkey
Among other things, the text says the EU will freeze high-level meetings with Turkey and cut off preliminary accession funds to the country🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
EU member-states on Friday reached consensus on a draft text on measures against Turkey for drilling in Cyprus waters, according to diplomatic sources.
Among other things, the text says the EU will freeze high-level meetings with Turkey and cut off preliminary accession funds to the country.
Concerning the issue of further measures, which Cyprus had objected to on Thursday, the final draft notes that the European Commission and the European External Action Service will continue to work on options for so-called targeted measures, in the light of Turkey's ongoing drilling operations in Cyprus' EEZ.
The text is expected to receive the final approval of the national envoys in Brussels on Monday morning, then be taken to the EU Council of Foreign Ministers on the same day.
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