Dev't Min. Georgiadis meets with SMEs chamber: Expect legislation with relief measures
Georgiadis said “development without thriving SMEs cannot possibly exist in Greece, and our government”🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
A thriving small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) sector is necessary for development in Greece, Development & Investments Minister Adonis Georgiadis said on Friday, revealing that the government planned to introduce a series of relief acts for the sector in the near future.
Following a meeting with Professionals Chamber of Athens president Yiannis Chatzitheodosiou and members of the board, Georgiadis said, "development without thriving SMEs cannot possibly exist in Greece, and our governnment - and you will see this - will in the next few weeks move ahead with all necessary legislative initiatives to relieve SMEs - which has always been, still is and in my opinion continues to be the backbone of the Greek economy."
Chatzitheodosiou, on his part, said of their talks, "I have to admit he had done his homework on all issues related to our sector, and we are truly very pleased. Most of our issues are already on his agenda and we believe that they will move fast to provide us with what we need - faster organizing and a more effective operation so the economy can proceed."
He added that chambers and SME representatives will support the government and the minister in all initiatives that provide businesses with breathing room and allows them to plan their future."
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