Princess of Morocco Lalla Salma and crown prince Moulay Hassan for holidays on Skiathos
The members of the royal family arrived with the royal lear jet🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

The princess of Morocco Lalla Salma and her son, successor of the throne Moulay Hassan, arrived on the island of Skiathos on Saturday afternoon for holidays.
The members of the royal family arrived with the royal lear jet at Skiathos airport and afterwards they went to a luxury hotel at Koukounaries.
It is not the first time that the princess, former queen of Morocco, and the prince are visiting Greece, as mostly every summer they spend part of their holidays in Greece.
Princess Lalla Salma was married for 16 years to the King of Morocco but they took a divorce last year.
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