Bank of Greece to start publishing statistics on finances of non-financial companies
The Bank of Greece will publish these financial reports not on an individual basis🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
A mandatory submission of the financial reports of Greek non-financial-sector enterprises to the Bank of Greece will begin next November.
The central bank set up a central balance sheet office with the task of collecting and offering specialised statistical information on the financial data of non-financial sector companies' operating in Greece.
This initiative is designed to support monetary policy by the Bank of Greece. These figures are also necessary for the macroeconomic imbalance procedure required by the EU. A similar office already operates in most central banks of the Eurosystem.
The Bank of Greece will publish these financial reports not on an individual basis but in an aggregate form, so that the identity of individual companies cannot be recognised.
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