Alt. FM Anagnostopoulou raises issue of Turkish provocation in Cyprus EEZ
According to a ministry statement on Wednesday, Alternate Foreign Minister raised the issue of Turkish aggression in the Cyprus EEZ, and called the EU to consider measures against Turkey🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

Greece fought a difficult battle at the EU's General Affairs Council in Luxembourg on Tuesday, Alternate Foreign Minister Sia Anagnostopoulou said.
According to a ministry statement on Wednesday, Anagnostopoulou raised the issue of Turkish aggression in the Cyprus EEZ, and called the EU to consider measures against Turkey.
She also termed as a major development the involvement of the EU in ensuring North Macedonia's follow-up of the Prespes Agreement term, saying that it's the first time that the country's implementation of the Agreement is officially tied to its EU accession progress.
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