PM Tsipras: "We are facing a crucial battle for the future of this country"
"We must submit our plan for the 'day after' so that citizens can compare New Democracy's and SYRIZA's political planning," said Tsipras, referring to the main opposition party🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
SYRIZA leader and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras voiced a message of victorious optimism for the July 7 general elections, speaking at a meeting of the party's central committee on Friday.
"We must submit our plan for the 'day after' so that citizens can compare New Democracy's and SYRIZA's political planning," said Tsipras, referring to the main opposition party.
The premier said that "we are facing a crucial battle for the future of this country," and stressed that it is up to the party to do better grassroots work and activate friends and supporters of the party.
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