KKE calls on the people not to trust the government's policy, Koutsoumbas says
It appears that the Turkish government is taking advantage of its strong economic, political and military relations with Germany and other EU countries🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 2 λεπτά ┋
Communist Party of Greece (KKE) General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas, speaking in parliament on Thursday, noted that the Turkish research vessel Oruc Reis returned to the Eastern Mediterranean and is moving within the Greek continental shelf, dangerously close to the island of Kastellorizo."It appears that the Turkish government is taking advantage of its strong economic, political and military relations with Germany and other EU countries and with the USA and raising additional issues concerning 'grey zones', while it also appears to be "weaving" a scenario for the partial demilitarisation of the islands. At the same time, the beach front of Varosha in occupied Famagusta in Cyprus has opened through a decision of the Turkish and Turkish-Cypriot authorities and the vessel Barbaros is violating Cyprus' Exclusive Economic Zone," he said.
Koutsoumbas said that these developments are dangerous and the situation that has arisen has torpedoed unfounded assertions that Εrdogan was backing down or in retreat.
"We make clear that the extension of the territorial waters to 12 nautical miles is a right provided by the international of the law of the sea and applies for every country," he said. At the same time, Koutsoumbas added, "we underline that in the hands of those that currently wield real power this will not serve the people's interests nor function as a panacea and provide an answer to Turkish belligerence. On the contrary, it may complicate the situation yet further and heighten the competition at the expense of all the people of the region".
The Communist Party calls on the people not to trust the government's policy nor any bourgeois government, as well as any party that serves the interests and plans of the imperialistic alliances, Koutsoumbas said.
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