FOOD EXPO trade fair in Athens postoponed until May
"The prevailing conditions create a risk for the health of participants and visitors", according to the organiser's announcement🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The International exhibition FOOD EXPO scheduled to be held between March 7-9 at the Metropolitan Expo has been postponed to May 16-18, the organising company FORUM SA announced on Friday.
According to the organiser's announcement "the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Greece in combination with Health Ministry's announcement on Friday for the cancellation of all the outdoor mass gatherings in Greece, creates emergency and unforseen conditions and makes the organisation and successful outcome of the exhibition extremely uncertain. In parallel, the prevailing conditions create a risk for the health of participants and visitors, as well as of their families. Taking into consideration all the above and with a sense of responsibility, the organising company decided to postpone the FOOD EXPO until May at the same venue".
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