Tsipras: The government is trying to square the circle in the migration crisis
The main opposition leader said that if the government brings to parliament a serious plan on the relocation of the population, he will support it🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

Main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras attacked the government over its handling of the refugee issue in an interview with Alpha TV on Tuesday. "Our criticism of the government relates to how it addresses the crisis, not who is to blame for it. They said that SYRIZA is responsible for the refugee arrivals, and when New Democracy came into power more refugees arrived. When we left Moria hotspot had 5,000 people and now there are 25,000," said Tsipras.
He explained that "the major problem with the government's management is that they said before the general elections two contradictory things: decongestion of the islands and no foreigner on the mainland. How this can be done? It is impossible, it’s like trying to square the circle," he said. He added that the problem will not be resolved with authoritarianism, only through serious planning of the relocation of the vulnerable migrant segment to the mainland, noted Tsipras, adding that the islands must not be abandoned to their fate.
The main opposition leader said that if the government brings to parliament a serious plan on the relocation of the population, he will support it. On matters referring to his party and its enlargement he said that "SYRIZA has accumulated experience because it is not enough to have a will, you must also know how to implement your governmental plan."
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