Tsipras to hold live Q&A session on new party platform iSYRIZA on Monday
SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras will hold a live Q&A session on Monday with members of the main opposition party's🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras will hold a live Q&A session on Monday with members of the main opposition party's online platform iSYRIZA, by launching the platform’s iask&watch live streaming service, the main opposition party announced on Friday.
The party's announcement added that more than 1,600 questions for Tsipras have so far been filed on iask&watch, of which 75 pct were submitted by new members, while "a 40 pct of those who filed questions are public and private sector employees, but great interest was also shown by the unemployed, freelancers and pensioners too."
Most of these questions concern the party's communication strategy and how media outlets portray it, the course of the economy and the party’s next steps ahead of its main congress later in the year, but some questions also pertained to life's daily problems, said party sources.
The questions were grouped by topic, and fifty of the questions were put to a vote by users to pick the ones Alexis Tsipras would answer, while the party said that more than 13,000 isyriza.gr members logged in over the last two days to glance through the questions, "which proves the great interest people seem to have for Syriza's new method of communication."
The Monday session is only available to isyriza.gr members.
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