Goverment to offer incentives for investments in digital technology, Georgiadis says
🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

The Greek government plans to offer incentives for investments in digital technology as it seeks a faster transition to a digital era, Development and Investments Minister Adonis Georgiadis said on Monday, addressing a "Digital Economy Forum 2019, Leading Greece to Growth" forum.
"Greece has significant advantages and most of all the incredible talent of human resources that can spearhead a move towards a more creative Greece," Georgiadis said and presented in detail the steps and moves towards this direction, such as the Thessin tech innovation park, Pfizer's investment in Thessaloniki, the 1st digital technology fair and the first innovation center in Athens. He underlined the official delegation of US companies in Athens in February 2020 to estable high-technology cooperation with the US and noted plans needed to be reconsidered in education as a lack of computer engineers is noted in a digital era. "We must break with the past," he said.
Costas Fragoyiannis, deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, responsible for Economic Diplomacy and Extroversion, addressing the forum said the government wants to change the picture of Greece and to overcome stereotypes. He added that the government was establishing the position of scientific diplomat in Boston with the task of bringing closer together the scientific communities from Greece and the US.
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