Dendias: Fall of Berlin Wall shows that struggles for freedom are not in vain
"The Berlin Wall separated friends, families, a city and a nation and, in reality, divided all of humanity into two," said Foreign Minister🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

Events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall teach us that people's struggles for freedom are not in vain, Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said on Tuesday, speaking at an event organised by German-language schools to mark the 30th anniversary since the Berlin Wall was torn down. "For us, for our generation and for all the world, the 9th of November is a day of huge historic depth," he said.
"The Berlin Wall separated friends, families, a city and a nation and, in reality, divided all of humanity into two," said Dendias, adding that "it turned Berlin into the site of a meeting point in history of people's hope for freedom and their suppression by an inhuman regime."
The event entitled "Tearing down walls, building bridges" was held at the Athens Technopolis in Gazi and organised by the pupils of the German School of Athens and the Greek-German School under the auspices of the Embassy of Germany to Greece.
"I both hope and ask that you live your lives as free as you not become victims of stereotypes," Dendias concluded.
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