Gov't spokesman: Tax bill will lower taxes for most Greeks, but esp. freelancers
On restarting relations with Turkey, he said that it would require that the neighboring country lives up to two points🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The new taxation bill includes measures to restart the Greek economy and to support society worth 1.2 billion euros, government spokesman Stelios Petsas said in an interview to Sunday Ethnos.
"Seven in ten taxpayers declare an annual income of up to 15,000 euros. Of these, wage earners, pensioners and farmers who are paying their taxes will see reductions from 117 euros to 177 euros each," he said, adding that "freelancers will see much greater reductions."
On restarting relations with Turkey, he said that it would require that the neighboring country lives up to two points, "First, to respect the EU-Turkey joint declaration on migration, and second, to give up on illegal acts in Cyprus' exclusive economic zone and its interventions in the Turkish Cypriot side that undermine the restart of inter-Cypriot negotiations."
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