Tourism Min: Greece has a strong tourist product that generates interest
Haris Theoharis said “the messages are positive but cautiously optimistic, I don't want to paint a pretty picture”🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
"The hoteliers are a very important partner for us, the pillar of the tourist product and we are here to discuss the plans for the following year, particularly after the first messages we received in London at the international tourist exhibition WTM", stated Tourism Minister Haris Theoharis, arriving at the meeting of the Greek Federation of Hoteliers on Friday.
Theoharis said that the messages are positive but cautiously optimistic, I don't want to paint a pretty picture. The uncertainty due to Brexit and how Thomas Cook's bankruptcy will affect the sector are two thorny issues and we must continue to struggle with them. However, the country has a strong tourist brand name, a strong tourist product that generates interest".
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