The labour market will return to normality, Vroutsis says
The minister noted the ministry's determination to tackle undeclared employment and illegal practices in the labour market🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
"We presented to the prime minister the challenges in the labour market and in the sector of insurance, as well as the legislative initiatives of the Labour Ministry to address social welfare and insurance issues", stated Labour and Social Affairs Minister Yiannis Vroutsis after a meeting held at the ministry with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Wednesday.
Vroutsis said that the prime minister welcomed these initiatives: "These initiatives are not simple or mere formalities; they are structural changes and reforms that Greece needs, that in combination with the web of reforms in the economy will bring results in terms of growth, create new jobs, increase salaries and, most of all, return the labour market to normality, where full employment predominates".
Additionally, the minister noted the ministry's determination to tackle undeclared employment and illegal practices in the labour market.
The prime minister's visit was held in the context of his plans to visit all ministries in turn.
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