Lekkas: Monday's quake between Crete and Santorini not related to volcanic activity
Lekkas said that the main characteristic of the quake was the major depth🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

The president of the Organization for Antiseismic Planning and Protection (OASP) professor Efthymios Lekkas estimated on Monday that there is no reason for concern over the 4.8 Richter earthquake recorded in the sea region between the islands of Crete and Santorini on Monday morning.
Speaking to Athens-Macedonian News Agency radio "Praktoreio" Lekkas said that the main characteristic of the quake was the major depth. It has nothing in common with the other tremors recorded in Greece in the last period and appears to be the main earthquake.
He also clarified that the specific earthquake "has no relation with the volcanic activity of Santorini. They are totally independent geodynamic phenomena and we believe there is no reason for concern".
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