Tax revenue from car sales at 5.7 billion euros in 2018 in Greece
Greece has one of the highest tax rates in the EU (24 pct)🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Tax revenue from car sales exceeded 428 billion euros in the European Union in 2018, evidence that the car sector is one of the basic parameters in state budgets.
In Germany, "the car country" with more sales in Europe, tax revenue was 92 billion euros in 2018, followed by France with 79 billion, Italy with 74.4 billion, UK with 56.3 billion and Spain with 28.1 billion. The Greek state put 5.7 billion euros in its coffers last year with estimates for a higher figure in 2019 as car sales are expected to grow faster this year compared with 2018.
Greece has one of the highest tax rates in the EU (24 pct).
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