Tzanakopoulos: 'SYRIZA will favor any New Democracy measure that relieves social majority'
On ND's economic policy, Tzanakopoulos noted these focus predominantly on "reverse redistribution options, but not in favor of the middle class, as Mr Mitsotakis claims, but in favor of very high incomes, something that will increase inequalities."🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

Former State Minister and current SYRIZA MP Dimitris Tzanakopoulos on Sunday criticized the New Democracy government, saying that "the first few weeks of ND governance confirm our predictions and our worst fears," concerning what he said is the handling of "PPC, health, labor relations, education, (with) conservatism and arrogance," speaking to Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA).
"All this," said Tzanakopoulos, "finally confirms our opinion that the government of Mr. Mitsotakis will be an extremely neoliberal, profoundly conservative, authoritarian and vengeful government."
On ND's economic policy, Tzanakopoulos noted these focus predominantly on "reverse redistribution options, but not in favor of the middle class, as Mr Mitsotakis claims, but in favor of very high incomes, something that will increase inequalities."
Questioned if SYRIZA is considering voting in favor of positive tax measures, Tzanakopoulos said that SYRIZA "will be positively favoring, in principle, any measure alleviating the social majority."
Finally, Tzanakopoulos stressed that SYRIZA's political obligation is to "open its doors so that all the citizens who have supported it, can put their mark on its work, its analyses, its strategy."
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