US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations adopts East Med Act
The bill was discussed on Tuesday in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, where it was adopted by a large majority, as only Democratic senators Jeff Merkley and Ed Markey did not vote for it🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations voted in favour of the "East Med Act" with an overwhelming majority, opening the way for its submission to the plenary.
The bill was discussed on Tuesday in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, where it was adopted by a large majority, as only Democratic senators Jeff Merkley and Ed Markey did not vote for it.
The bill attempts to reform US geopolitical strategy in the southeastern Mediterranean region by placing Greece-Israel-Cyprus trilateral cooperation of at the centre of Washington's strategic interest. Among the provisions included is the lifting of the arms embargo on the Republic of Cyprus, as well as the recording of Turkish violations.
Welcoming the strong cross-party support for the bill with enthusiasm, Senator Bob Menendez argued that Israel, Greece and Cyprus are key US partners and that the vote confirms that Washington needs a new strategy that reflects its mutual interests with these countries.
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