Skourletis sets the dilemma "progress or conservatism"
Skourletis set the dilemma "progress or conservatism", and stressed that "it is now realistic to make targeted tax reliefs that will not undermine the public goods of education and health", and strengthen critical sectors of the public sector with new scientific potential🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

"The more New Democracy's secret positions come to light, the more the gap between SYRIZA and New Democracy will close," SYRIZA's parliamentary committee secretary general Panos Skourletis said in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA) on Sunday.
"This time we are voting for the next government, we are not just sending messages," he underlined warning that there is not room for abstention.
"Through a difficult and controversial course we have stabilized the economy, we have dealt with the greatest humanitarian crisis in the post-war crisis, we have come out of the memoranda and we are now on a growth path," he said.
Skourletis set the dilemma "progress or conservatism", and stressed that "it is now realistic to make targeted tax reliefs that will not undermine the public goods of education and health", and strengthen critical sectors of the public sector with new scientific potential.
He also accused main opposition New Democracy of vague reforms that will ensure the reduction in taxes as well as the total destruction of the labour relations.
Regarding the continuing Turkish provocations, he said that "our foreign policy has strengthened the international position of the country." He described the Prespes Agreement as a "top historic act" that "has elevated the country's international prestige and strengthened its geopolitical weight" while preventing Ankara from penetrating North Macedonia and paving the way for co-development and peace.
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