Prosecutors' union criticises political controversy over selection of chief justices
The Union of Prosecutors of Greece called on both politicians and journalists "to stop insulting justice... in order to serve political aims🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The Union of Prosecutors of Greece on Thursday criticised the political controversy that has broken out over the selection of the leadership for Greece's highest courts, saying it was degrading for the independence and prestige of justice.
It was equally damning about press reports claiming that pressure was being put on the Supreme Court's chief prosecutor to resign in order to facilitate the government's plans. It called on both politicians and journalists "to stop insulting justice... in order to serve political aims".
The announcement ends by stating that the union "supports any choice for the leadership of the highest courts that will ensure the broadest democratic legitimacy and political consensus and protect justice's independence, as a central pillar of democracy".
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