Digital Policy Min Pappas: We will continue our effort to support society
He noted that 'there are many structural problems," including unemployment that is still at 18 percent and a large number of the people living in poverty🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The government must convey that it will continue its efforts to support society and is "deeply aware" that people still have problems, Digital Policy, Communications and Media Minister Nikos Pappas said on Wednesday, speaking on Alpha TV. He noted that 'there are many structural problems," including unemployment that is still at 18 percent and a large number of the people living in poverty.
He said that society was still suffering and quite reasonably, the ruling party "was the first to get the blame" for the problems. "This is not unreasonable," he added, pointing out that the government has been in power for four years and "some people expected their position to have improved even more."
Pappas estimated that the 9.5 pct gap between New Democracy and SYRIZA in the European elections can close, saying that 500,000 to 600,000 people that did not go to the Euroelection ballots will vote in the national elections.
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