Genimata in Thessaloniki: Bipartisan politics are the two sides of same conservatism
Genimata stressed that KINAL supports a Europe which "is threatened by fascism, populism, various nationalisms and violence"🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 2 λεπτά ┋

The ideological heritage of Movement For Change (KINAL) party, including independent center-Leftist political forces, socialists, social-democrats, "citizens and members of the so-called reformist Left," was boldly underlined by party leader Fofi Genimata in her main speech at Thessaloniki on Friday.
Gennimata called these KINAL forces "the upcoming surprise in the elections."
"We all joined PASOK," she said, "to serve the people and the country," citing its founder, legendary socialist leader Andreas Papandreou.
Genimata stressed that KINAL supports a Europe which "is threatened by fascism, populism, various nationalisms and violence," and she called for "blocking the way to fascists in both Greece and Europe."
The KINAL leader highlighted some basic economic incentives for Greeks that the party would push for, such as the abolition of PM Alexis Tsipras' tax-free annual income rate, a three-year tax and insurance contributions exemption for young people starting a business, and a 200-euros monthly supplement per child for young couples over three years.
In support of the unemployed, she said that for every 100 euros paid by a company to create new jobs, the employer should get a tax exemption of 150 euros. A minimal monthly pension should be 500 euros per pensioner or 700 euros for pensioner couples.
Finally, farmers should pay no more than a 13% tax and should also benefit from reduced production costs.
Genimata said bipartisan politics in Greece represent "two sides of conservatism," defining them as "the old and the new Right," and went on to say that "although Tsipras says he cares 'for the many', he actually takes away from the many. Mitsotakis says he cares for all, but what he really means is 'crumbles for most, profits for few'."
"Mitsotakis' new-Right eats away at the welfare state, while Tsipras' new-Right eats away at development," said Genimata.
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