Dendias: Greece will not diverge from its fixed positions in its relations with Turkey
"It was indeed a completely different visit. But we should not be fooled by the fact that the atmosphere was different,"🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 2 λεπτά ┋

There is absolutely no chance that Greece will stray from its fixed national positions, Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias made clear on Thursday, during a discussion regarding Turkey at the 9th Regional Growth Conference being held in Patras (June 3-5).
During his recent meeting with his Turkish counterpart in Athens, Dendias pointed out, he raised all the issues that constitute a difference between Greece and Turkey, as well as the issue of Turkish disregard for the law, and underlined that "the climate is a climate of managing the important differences between Greece and Turkey, but these differences exist and Greece will continue to underline them."
"It was indeed a completely different visit. But we should not be fooled by the fact that the atmosphere was different," he stressed and added:" It was different because the differences were clearly expressed in public speech and were repeated in the context of this visit."
"The Turkish side understood in the clearest terms that, regardless of whether there are disagreements or whether there are completely different approaches, it must operate in a context that does not provoke the other side and does not violate international law," he said. "The differences exist, they are there. We hope that in the future Turkey will distance itself from unlawful actions, which will allow us to create a climate suitable for discussing them and perhaps at some point, if Turkey changes its views, to resolve them," Dendias added.
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