Gov't spokesperson Tarantilis accuses main opposition leader Tsipras of irresponsibility
The health of our fellow human beings must be a top priority for all of us🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋

Government spokesperson Christos Tarantilis accused main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras of inviting citizens to participate in rallies. Specifically, in a statement late on Tuesday, Tarantilis said:
"So Mr. Tsipras is taking the risk of getting people infected in the rallies. How can one be indifferent to the dangers that this entails for the health of the citizens?
How hypocritical is it to accuse the government of inadequate measures, when he is taking responsibility for their violation?
How irresponsible is it for the main opposition to invite people to participate in rallies and marches during this critical period when society is battling the pandemic?
The health of our fellow human beings must be a top priority for all of us."
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