SYRIZA: 'Ministers may try to, but cannot embellish dramatic state of national economy
"Whatever his ministers may say, they can neither embellish the dramatic situation in which they lead the economy, the workers and businesses, nor, of course, justify Mitsotakis' political fraud,"🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
SYRIZA on Tuesday said the government is presenting an unrealistically better state of the country's national economy than it actually is, and that it moreover blames this on the coronavirus pandemic.
"Mitsotakis, who had promised a strong return to growth, did exactly this last night during his speech in parliament: blamed the pandemic for the recession, a recession of 0.9 pct which he brought on as early as the fourth trimester of 2019, when, according to the latest official figures by the National Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), he had inherited a 2.9 pct growth in July 2019 by the Syriza government."
"Whatever his ministers may say, they can neither embellish the dramatic situation in which they lead the economy, the workers and businesses, nor, of course, justify Mitsotakis' political fraud," concludes the main opposition party's comment.
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