Who praises Athens for its management of the pandemic
Athens protects vulnerable communities during COVID-19" the Greek capital was presented as a model city for the protection of the vulnerable groups of citizens.🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The World Health Organisation has praised the municipality of Athens for the measures it applied to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in an article on its website. The organisation referred to Athens' important efforts to contain the spread of the pandemic in the Greek capital and for the protection of vulnerable groups.
In the article "Athens protects vulnerable communities during COVID-19" the Greek capital was presented as a model city for the protection of the vulnerable groups of citizens.
It includes a statement by Athens mayor Kostas Bakoyannis, who underlined that "These very harsh times have taught us that the best outcome always comes with collaboration and consistent efforts. When city and civil society join efforts, the result is more than fruitful, as together we can open an ever-safer umbrella towards marginalized populations. In this battle against time, no one is to be left behind," he said.
The article is available on the organisation's website https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/athens-protects-vulnerable-communities-during-covid-19.
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